Mothers and Mentors: The Art of Nurturing
Real Women Write
Mothers and Mentors: the Art of Nurturing now available.
Sharing Stories, Sharing Lives
in Prose and Poetry from Story Circle Network
When we share our stories with fullness and honesty, we often discover
that we’re less alone and more connected than we might ever have believed.
— Michelle Obama
Real Women Write is an annual anthology showcasing the talent and creativity of Story Circle Network members, and includes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. SCN values every woman’s story, and in Real Women Write we publish writing about both the individual life in all its uniqueness, and a woman’s life as it’s understood by all women.
The 2023 edition of Real Women Write is volume 22 in the series. Titled Mothers and Mentors: the Art of Nurturing, it’s been published on in both print and digital formats. It offers reflections on an essential human activity, guiding and caring for the development and growth of life.
Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.
— Anonymous
A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.
— Oprah Winfrey
Mothers and Mentors explores the varied ways—good, bad, or ugly—that we nourish ourselves and others, and the significance of nurture in our lives. This includes the choice to be or not to be a mother, to teach/coach or to be a student, to take a beginner under your wing, to raise an animal, and much more. The collection also considers what it means to want for care, to lack what we need and receive no support, to be without a guide, even to be harmed by those meant to nurture you.
What part has nurturing played in your life? Who or what has nurtured you? How have you experienced mothering and/or mentoring? In this thought-provoking and moving group of 85 pieces of prose and poetry, our 65 SCN contributors bravely answered such questions to provide ideas and inspiration as we work together to build a healthier world and help all life thrive.
Mothers and Mentors: the Art of Nurturing is available here.
Watch this page for updated information about our 2024 RWW anthology. Entry details will be on our submissions form when it is open: May 1 – July 15, 2024. Submissions are currently closed.
The 2022 issue is currently available here.
Other recent volumes in this series are available on Amazon. Members have access to the entire archive of our anthologies. Join us or log in.
See the full list of Story Circle Network’s books here.