What do you do with someone who won't behave?
This person is secretive, aloof, and moody. She's keeping me up nights and interfering with my novel in progress. She’s the character who "vants to be alone!"
Her name is Robin. She's a twin. An accomplished photographer. She has dark hair and green eyes, she's twenty pounds overweight, and she's married with two sons. Her marriage is in trouble. Her twin sister has died, and she carries a terrible secret.
All these complications in her life, and yet, even after excellent feedback at a workshop, I remain stumped by what Robin desires and what will keep her from getting it.
So I start over at the beginning, revising as the story seems to lead me. I try applying a rubric the workshop leader shared. It's a good tool to get a handle on what a story is about (can you say it in a sentence?), determine what the "container" is (time frame and place), and sketch out the main characters and plot points. The rubric helps, but I'm not there yet. I'm still worried about not knowing clearly who Robin is and where she's going.
I have to confess I've never been big on plot points. I tend to let the story evolve, which means I may do more work than someone who is able to plan the story out, from start to finish. Sometimes, because of my tendency to “pantser” rather than plot, I feel inept as a writer.
Many writing experts contend that we should know everything we possibly can about a character before we begin. A fine teacher of writing and an exceptional fiction writer in his own right, David Jauss, takes the stance that we don't have to know everything. In fact, Jauss says it may be preferable not to know; not knowing every detail ahead of time may lead to richer characterization as we discover things about characters as we write them.
What a relief!
What Jauss says doesn't absolve me of all responsibility where the story is concerned. I can't put the writing on automatic pilot. Wouldn't it be interesting if we could? But I don’t trust the recent developments in AI to do the job. Jauss’s take allows me the freedom to write about this character and her circumstances, to write into her, and see what unfolds. Maybe I'll discover along with her how she ticks, where she's headed, and how she'll get there.
So here we go, my make-believe friend, Robin. Let's see where the words on the page take both of us.
How do you handle your less-than-cooperative characters? Are you a "know everything" writer or one who goes with the flow?
Photo credit: Andrew Seaman on Unsplash
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